Friday, September 13, 2013

SCOTT'S SHOTS - Finally Here!

Watch for SCOTT'S SHOTS, a new addition to our blog where I let Scott have his voice!  

Finally got to Concord, New Hampshire - 5,554 miles from Cove.  We've seen a lot of country but we're still together!  9.2 miles per gallon is what we've been getting - the cheapest we paid was $3.29 and the most we paid was $3.95 but gas averages about $3.60 per gallon. 

Haven't had to stay in a Walmart parking lot yet...  The most we paid was $53.00 in Billings, Montana and we stayed free at an Indian Casino in Wisconsin.  They had spots with electricity - first come, first serve!  The average cost is about $32.00.

We are looking forward to slowing our pace down now that we are on the East Coast.

Parked a block from the Capitol building.

New Hampshire Capitol 

Scott, Pat, and Daniel Webster

Looking up at the archway leading to the state Capitol.

1 comment:

  1. Scott's Shorts? Okay, so at first I thought it was going to be a where's waldo type thing where we had to find Scott in his shorts everywhere you went. Now I get it...short notes from Scott, great math problems! 9.2 MPG!! Holy Cow! Hope you have enough pennies, nickels and dimes for that.
