Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Days 24-27: ACADIA National Park

Bass Harbor Head Light

Forest floor as we walked down to the light house - lots of mosses and lichen on the forest floor.

Bass Harbor lighthouse is a private residence.  How would you like to live in a lighthouse?

Waters edge...

Views from Cadillac Mountain 
Eagle Lake

Cranberry Islands

View from the top of Cadillac Mountain - the first place the sun hits the United States each morning.  Cadillac Mountain is the tallest mountain on the eastern seaboard at 1,530 feet.

Cruise ships docked in Bar Harbor.

The spit to the far right is where our campground is located.  We are staying at Seawall National Campground on Mount Desert Island.

SW Harbor 

Library in SW Harbor, a perfect setting for a little local library.

Pretty window box in SW Harbor

Beaver lodge - there were 2 on opposite ends of this small pond.

Garden shed to huge summer home in Bar Harbor.

Carriage Roads
Carriage Gate - the 45 miles of carriage roads were built by John D. Rockefeller of crushed stone between 1913 and 1940.

Carriage Road Gate House

Carriage Bridge 

Looking through the gate towards the road.

The carriage road today is used by hikers, bikers, and horses.  You can still rent a horse and carriage to take a tour of the roads.  Sometimes they are called trails but that is a misnomer as they are 16 feet wide with generous crowns that keep them well drained.  They're considered the best example of broken stone roads in the United States.

Highway underneath, carriage road above.

Another view of the road...

View of The Bubbles from Jordan Pond.

Outside dining at Jordan Pond and yes, we did have tea and popovers with strawberry jam!  It was a very cold, windy day so no one was eating outside.

Hummingbirds were still in abundance out front.

SUNRISE On Cadillac Mountain

I'm the first person the sun shown on in the US this morning!  Well, me or one of the 250 other people who got up by 6:15 to watch the sun rise.  It really was beautiful!

Cadillac Mountain has lots of pink granite.

Porcupine Islands 

Can you find the cruise ship headed to Bar Harbor in this picture?  It looks like a little island.

Doe and...

her fawn.

Four-point Buck, he just stopped at the edge of the forest and watched me!

Forked- horn

Sandy Beach

This beach was packed with people the first afternoon we were there and we couldn't even find a parking space.  We went back after watching the sun come up on Cadillac Mountain and had it all to ourselves!

Thunder Hole
Granite shore line

1 comment:

  1. Any more license plates? Oh, and JORDAN loves that you found a pond with his name!+
