Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 16: FAYETTE, Historic State Park and Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Happy 4th Birthday to CARTER!

Grandma (she's taking the picture), Grandpa, and Yogi Bear wish Carter a happy birthday from Michigan!

Lake Michigan

Finally found a sandy beach... on the Door County peninsula the beaches were rocky!  We just pulled the trailer into a picnic area along the highway, had lunch, and played in the warm water.

Looking down into the water.

FAYETTE - Company Town

This historic townsite is situated on Snail Shell Harbor. Fayette was once one of the Upper Peninsula's most productive iron-smelting operations run by the Jackson Iron Company.  Fayette grew up around two blast furnaces, a large dock, and several kilns after the Civil War.  It operated for 24 years and had nearly 500 residents from Canada, the British Isles, and Northern Europe - they lived in or near the town that existed to make pig iron.

Furnace complex


Town hall

Barber shop window in the town hall.

Notice the square nails on the steps into the barber shop.

Scott reading the map in front of a middle class home.

Windows of the dance hall

Middle class neighborhood
Superintendent's house sits atop a hill and looks down on the harbor and furnaces.

Six different superintendents lived in this house.

View of Snail Shell Harbor and the protective harbor cliffs.

Company office with machine shop in background.

Door to the company office which included the bank and superintendent's office.

Looking through the door of the company store building.  When the charcoal iron market began to decline, the Jackson Iron Company closed its Fayette smelting operation in 1891.

1 comment:

  1. Pat,
    Every time the kids see you in the photo they cheer! YAY! It's Mrs. Van Nice. You are a celebrity. They were soooo excited to see you hugging the sign at the headwaters of the Mississippi. "She made it!" :)
