Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mount Airy

The Andy Griffith Show
Cast of The Andy Griffith Show which is set in Mayberry, is based on Andy Griffith's hometown of Mount Airy, North Carolina.  Scott and I had a fun trip down memory lane as we walked the streets of Mayberry - we both watched the tv show when we were kids!

Statue of Andy and Opie going fishin'.

There were several Ford Galaxie police cars around town to give rides to tourists.

We didn't see Floyd but you can get a hair cut!  Lots of Mayberry memoiribilia on the walls inside.

When Andy Griffith was in high school he'd order a hot dog and a bottle of pop at Snappy Lunch.  We had a bite to eat just like Andy and Barney did on tv!

Another chance to step back in time... Remember Black Jack gum, candy cigarettes, Walnettos, Chick-o-Sticks, all-day suckers, root beer barrels, licorice whips, Big Hunk candy bars???

You can get them all and more at Opie's Candy Store!

On Saturdays bluegrass musicians jam on Main Street; we ran across 2 different groups playing while we were here. These guys were fun because they talked among themselves, decided on a song they all knew and then played it, or they took requests, where they'd all give it a go or just improvise.

Eng and Chang Bunker
We got the term "Siamese twins" from Eng and Chang even though they were actually Chinese.  They were born in Siam in 1811 and died near Mount Airy in 1874 at the age of 62.  They married sisters; Adelaide Yates and  Sarah Anne Yates.  Adelaide and Chang had 10 children and Eng and Sarah Anne had 11.  They slept in a giant bed built for four until the wives began to squabble; at that point, they built another house.  One house for each wife with Eng and Chang alternating and spending 3 days in each home.

Mayberry Campground (where we stayed) sits on part of the 2,000 acre farm owned by the conjoined twins and is run by Benny East, great-great grandson of Eng.  This farmhouse was built by Eng's son in 1900 and is considered the old home place.

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