Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fort Union

Buffalo Gourd

This gourd is poisonous which explains why it's in abundance along the road to Fort Powell.


From Trinidad, Colorado to Las Vegas, New Mexico we literally saw hundreds of antelope in this high desert area, mostly in small groups of 3 to 10 antelope.

Fort Union
Fort Union, Chimneys and ruins of Post Officers' Quarters

Main walk through Fort Powell.

Company Quarters Ruin

Laundresses' Quarters, there were few chances for a enlisted man to have a family life.  He could marry only if approved by his commanding officer and his new wife agreed to be a laundress for the Army.

Foundation and daisies.

More ruins from Laundresses' Quarters area.

This is a great example of the bricks that can be seen beneath the adobe.

Foundation and verbena.

Chimneys in Teamsters' Quarters

Another fireplace and chimney.

Guardhouse, most enlisted men didn't like to hear their names called for guard duty.  During their entire 24-hour shift, they had to stay fully clothed.  These men paraded before the Post, escorted prisoners to empty trash barrels, guarded stables and corrals, and "took charge of all Government property in sight".  There was little time to get any rest at the guardhouse.

Chimneys in Post Officers' Quarters

Chimney and Company Quarters foundations

Company Quarters foundations, in the distance Post Officers' Quarters.


View of mountains over Transportation Corrals.

Transportation Corral window, thousands of draft animals were required each year to supply the frontier army.

Another window...

Many artifacts were found in the privy when it was excavated.  Now it's just a big hole in the ground!

Ambrosia Verbena 

Antelope near fort.

Antelope scat

Santa Fe Trail tracks leading towards Fort Powell.  There are only a few places where wagon tracks can be seen because the pioneers traveling in wagons liked to ride with their wagons abreast so they didn't have to eat the desert dust from the wagons in front of them.

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