Saturday, May 24, 2014


Ambrosia Verbena

Aspen Trees in San Isabel National Forest.

Aspen Trees

Giant beetle advertising RV Park and Tropical Bug Museum!  That's quite a combination!

The envelope sign points towards a post office.

Orchid Beardtongue

Starr Kempf's Kinetic Scuptures, the slightest breeze sets them in motion.

This Pueblo dinosaur is reminding us to brush our teeth!

Pueblo Historic Arkansas Riverwalk
View from bridge... the historic riverwalk is a 32 acre urban waterfront.

View from boat... we took a boat ride on the Arkansas River and it was a perfect day to enjoy the area.

Riverwalk wall art

"We Remember to Never Forget" - World Trade Center Steel Memorial, a steel beam from the actual World Trade Center ruins sits atop two tower-like structures, pointed towards New York City.

Mare and Foal

Zebulon Montgomery Pike was sent to explore the western border of the newly purchased Louisiana Territory.  He and his men spotted a "grand peak" that they walked towards for many days and which Pike's men tried to conquer but never quite reached the top.  Today we call it Pike's Peak!


These sculptures are of animals Zebulon Pike saw on his exploration of the west; they are on an island in the middle of the Arkansas River.  Our boat took us around this small island.

"Walks Among the Stars" by David McGary

There are many statues along the riverwalk; I especially liked this little boy fishing with his dog.

Trinidad, Colorado
Southern Colorado Coal Miners Memorial, 1996 includes the names of those miners.

The Coal Miner's Canary, for centuries miners have taken canary birds down into their mines to warn them of potential disaster.  If a tunnel or shaft collapsed the canary would be the first to react to the lack of oxygen, or in coal mines, a canary would swoon with very little carbon monoxide in the air warning the miners to get out quick.

Church in Trinidad, just thought it was a beautiful picture of cross and sky.

Spaghetti ice cream - yum, the meatballs are brownies and the ice cream was put through a special hand machine like a potato ricer making the "spaghetti"!  Finishing touches include raspberry sauce and white chocolate cheese!

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